Natalie Williams

May 16, 20182 min

5 Tips To Beat The Holiday Blues

“We need to introduce a little balance into your life. Part of this balance means not missing out on some of the marvels of life around you, the fun, some excitement, or other challenges in life.” – Catherine Pulsifer

Ever since I can remember I have really struggled with the post holiday blues! No matter how long I would go on a holiday for I would always find it unusually hard to get back to normality without getting really depressed. I would dread it so much I would regret even going on a holiday in the first place which is totally ridiculous.

So here I am, home after leaving Bali a few days ago which was literally the BEST holiday I have ever had. My family and I jumped straight back into normal routine with work and school and I’m feeling more content than ever.

I thought I would share some tips on what I use to keep the holiday blues to a minimum and hopefully it can help others too. ♡

  1. Mindfulness – For me I always remind myself that “reality” is what enabled us to have a holiday. Even though our busy life often feels totally exhausting its our hard work and sacrifices that enables us to get away every so often. Instead of dwelling on what I may be missing out on or where I could be I focus on the present moment because there is so much joy to be had right in front us that we sometimes miss.

  2. Count your blessings – We are so incredibly thankful to live the life we do and already have so many wonderful things to be grateful for. Having a house to go home to, a job to keep working and a life to keep living is a blessing in itself.

  3. Get organised – Do yourself a favour and make your first day back at work/school as easy as possible and get organised the night before. There is nothing worse than feeling rushed and stressed to start any day never mind after coming back from a holiday so make it as easy and seamless as possible.

  4. Start a goal – If you’re still really struggling to get back into daily life I highly suggest setting yourself a goal. Setting a goal gives you something to focus on, a drive to get up in the morning and motivation to keep going.

  5. Find your balance – We can’t rely on a physical vacation to be the only type of break we ever give ourselves. It is still important to priorities doing things that make you happy every single day and it can be as simple as going for a walk, reading a book or having a nice relaxing bath so schedule in some YOU time as priority.

Just because your holiday has ended it doesn’t mean your relaxed attitude and holiday vibe must end too. Get back to daily life feeling fresh and ready for whatever challenges the day brings because life is all about balance and just like seasons you wouldn’t appreciate the warmth of summer without experiencing the chill of winter.

Thanks for reading ☮

#HEALTHYHABITS #HolidayBlues #motivation
