Natalie Williams

Apr 25, 20192 min

ANZAC Day 2019 – Take A Moment Of Silence Today

“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” Mattie Stepanek

Here in Australia it is a public holiday for ANZAC day (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.) Every year, thousands of people join to pay tribute to and remember those who have served to keep us safe and to also share our gratitude to all those that are continuing to serve to protect Australia, its people and its interests. Like with any event in the world there is always some controversy and I totally respect other peoples opinions (when shared kindly) as depending on our circumstances we may have had an entirely different experience at that time to others.

For me I feel that there is something so special about events that can get people to set aside their differences for a show of solidarity. It proves that we can stand together, and it gives us hope that despite life becoming more and more complicated we can come together in unity and peace and I am so grateful that my children get to experience this.

Whether you are celebrating ANZAC day today or if you’re just going by your usual everyday routine, I highly recommend taking a moment of silence. Think about all of the wonderful things in life you have to be grateful for. It doesn’t matter how long you choose to be silent as even 5 minutes can help balance your mind, be more mindful and encourage self-compassion. Your 5 minutes of silence may be small but if you are giving your best self in your everyday life it can be a powerful contribution to making the world a better place today.

Thanks for reading and make sure you share your smile with the world today ☮

#ANZAC #Inspire #Peace #Unity
